International Journal of Progressive Research in Engineering Management and Science
(Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Referred International Journal) or Whatsapp at (+91-9098855509)

Every day, there is an increase in traffic in our country. People are not adhering to traffic laws very well in many areas. Accidents are mostly caused by drivers who are careless and drive too quickly. Many, especially in the areas surrounding schools and colleges, are unwilling to slow down completely. The purpose of this embedded project is to give the driver control over the car and warn them when they are traveling too fast. This is constructed via wireless transmission. We make use of a MyRio microcontroller. We have an interfaced temperature sensor that can detect excessive temperatures and alert the driver by sounding an alarm in order to check the tire temperature. The location of the accident will be communicated to the owner of the car, a family member, or a nearby hospital via the GPS-based accident information system. If the impact is minor, the driver can use the reset button and go back behind the wheel. When a tire's air pressure isn't right, the pressure sensor examines it and notifies the driver. If the brake wire is connected correctly, the brake failure sensor will show it. The accelerator and the steering position sensor indicate the brake clutch and accelerator positions, respectively. The sensors will be monitored continuously using IOT.
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