IJPREMS is a peer-reviewed, Open-Access, multi-disciplinary research Journal that published monthly. Benefits of open access for authors include: free access for all users worldwide. The International Journal for Progressive Research in Engineering Management and Science (IJPREMS) is dedicated to the advancement of knowledge in the field of engineering, management, science, technology, environmental science, management, business, medical science, pharmacy, education, health science and all other field of study or research. It also provides a platform for professional, engineers, students, researchers, academicians and practitioners who share their knowledge in the field engineering, science, management, technology, industrial organization and other relevant disciplines from all over the world. 

The Journal aims to publish articles which show high levels of theoretical insight and /or analytic empirical work. IJPREMS is oriented towards publishing articles that communicate advances, interesting implementations and parts of on-going research in fields of interest.

IJPREMS journal accepts research paper, review papers, reports and case studies in the field of Engineering, management, science and other fields on the basis of its originality, importance and interdisciplinary interest.

we provide superior quality editorial, reviewer and support, having the most talented and professional team on ground and offshore. All research interested scholars are given best opportunity to make world aware of their work.




