International Journal of Progressive Research in Engineering Management and Science
(Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Referred International Journal)

ISSN:2583-1062 or Whatsapp at (+91-9098855509)
Paper Details


  • S. N. Nethaji


The use of solar power as a sustainable energy source is growing. Solar heating, solar power, solar thermal electricity, solar architecture, saltwater power plants, artificial photosynthesis, and other constantly developing technologies capture the sun's radiant light and heat converts them into electrical energy. Solar panel or module trackers guide them to face the sun. In order to get the most of the sun's rays, these gadgets pivot throughout the day. This study shows that the use of solar energy in transportation. This revolutionize the way of transportation and decreases being dependent of petroleum products and other non-renewable resources. We are going to install a solar panel on the top the car. As the sun-lights falls upon solar panel the light energy is converted into the electrical energy. The converted energy is transferred to the rechargeable batteries using a battery management system this energy transfer is over seen by a Power Bank Charging Module to prevent excessive transfer of power that can destroy the components. In this way, An Electrical vehicle (EV) can charge using solar energy without stopping at any charging stations. Hence saving time, cost of transport and energy, protecting the environment.

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