International Journal of Progressive Research in Engineering Management and Science
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A Study on Concrete with Silica Fume as a Partial replacement to Cement (KEY IJP************772)
The aim of this study is to evaluate the performance of Silica Fume an industrial by product as a admixture in concrete keeping in view the increasing market demand of cement which compel production of cement at large scale resulting in environmental problem and depletion of natural resources on one hand and rising prices on the other hand. To overcome these problem ideas developed to investigate the use of industrial by productwaste. The silica fume industrial by product found to be an attractive cementations material which is by product of smelting process in the silicon and ferrosilicon industry. The partial replacement of silica fume and its effects on concrete properties has been studies by adopting M-25, M-30, &M-35 concrete mix in this dissertation. The main parameter investigated in this study M-25 to M-35 concrete mix with partial replacement by silica fume with varying 0, 5,&10% by weight of cement The paper presents a detailed experimental study on compressive strength,and split tensile strength for 7 days and 28 days respectively. The results of experimental investigation indicates that the use of silica fume in concrete has increased the strength and durability at all age when compared to normal concrete. Hence the use of Silica Fume leads to reduction in cement quantity for construction purpose and its use should be promoted for better performance as well as for environmental sustainability.
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