International Journal of Progressive Research in Engineering Management and Science
(Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Referred International Journal)

ISSN:2583-1062 or Whatsapp at (+91-9098855509)
Paper Details


  • Shrawani Wadhwane,Swamini Zinje,Prof. Sayali Karmode


Abstract non-governmental organizations, or NGOs, are essentially charitable organizations that rely heavily on donations from the general public and NGO members for funding. Being transparent about how donations are handled considerably boosts an organization's credibility and inspires confidence in donors. are employed. Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) get funds from donor organizations to support a range of programs, including economic development, women's empowerment, education promotion, and disaster relief. Because of the misappropriation of funding by certain NGOs, certain donor agencies no longer trust the way NGOs operate. This system is shared by users rather than being owned or managed by a single entity, making it decentralized. As a result, the resources are actually owned by the people, and the entire charity fund system is made more open. Distributed ledgers and blockchain technology have the potential to lower operating costs and move financial institutions toward real-time transactions. Cross-chain is used by the system. Technique for securely sharing data across several Blockchain systems without the need for a middleman. Beneficiaries receive their safe payment transfer to their account only once they file the required forms, appeal for the desired donation, and upload the required paperwork attesting to their accuracy and necessity for the funds for any essential medical care Hospital. The methodology takes into account a worldwide asset positioning structure, secure and actual asset distribution, and full evidence.

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