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prospective features of pharmacovigilance (KEY IJP************325)
Pharmacovigilance play an important versatile role in the healthcare system through monitoring and interaction of drugs and there effects in the human body. Pharmacovigilance are integral part of clinical trials. Pharmacovigilance is defined as the pharmacological science concerned with the identification assessment, understanding and prevention of side effects, particularly long-term and short-term adverse drug reactions. This is about what exactly pharmacovigilance is. What we know about the benefits, risks, challenges and future of pharmacovigilance in Indian medicine here the focus is on the objectives and role of pharmacovigilance in regulating medicines and their partners. In this article includes good manufacturing practices (GMP) and (ICH) guidelines for pharmaceuticals for human use are examined as an important aspects in the transformation of clinical trial to the objective of pharmacovigilance In pharmaceutical production India becomes third largest country in the world.Pharmacovigilance promotes the appropriate and safe use of medications. Pharmacovigilance essentially sheets safety of medicine. Pharmacists have key roles in wellbeing frameworks to keep up the reasonable and safe utilization of medicine for they are medicate specialists who are unequivocally prepared in this field.The safety concern of drug is now becoming the priority area. The drug safety issues were globalised, strength and systematized after the establishment of World Health Organization (WHO) Programme for International Drug Monitoring in 1968. Appropriate and effective monitoring of ADRs, i.e. pharmacovigilance, is the only best way to safeguard the public health. Spontaneous reporting system (SRS) are first and most widely used method to report ADRs in spite of under-reporting as a major limitation. In this article includes good manufacturing practices (GMP) and (ICH) guidelines for pharmaceuticals for human use are examined as an important aspects in the transformation of clinical trial to the objective of pharmacovigilance In pharmaceutical production India becomes third largest country in the world.Nowadays in India pharmacovigilance gives awareness about adverse drug reactions (ADR) this review gives information about implementation for solving current problems. This article summarized objective and Date 2024-02-14 Words 340 Characters 2666 Page 1 of 2 methodology used in pharmacovigilance with their review of existing in India and their challenges and future major problem