International Journal of Progressive Research in Engineering Management and Science
(Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Referred International Journal)

ISSN:2583-1062 or Whatsapp at (+91-9098855509)
Paper Details


  • Yagyika Amoriya


The research article scrutinizes the progress and challenges associated with achieving SDG 2, which focuses on ending hunger and promoting sustainable agriculture as outlined in the UN's 2030 agenda. Despite concerted efforts, global hunger remains a pressing issue, with concerning trends indicating a rise in the number of undernourished individuals and those experiencing moderate to severe food insecurity. By 2022, an estimated 735 million people found themselves in chronic hunger, while 2.4 billion suffered from varying degrees of food insecurity.The study explores the multifaceted nature of food insecurity, recognizing three dimensions of hunger: calorie deprivation, protein deficiency, and hidden hunger caused by micronutrient deficiencies. While initiatives such as India's National Food Security Act of 2013 aim to address calorie deprivation by ensuring access to basic food staples, they often fall short in addressing broader nutritional needs, sanitation, and sustainable agricultural practices. This inadequacy is particularly evident in the persistence of protein and micronutrient deficiencies among populations, highlighting the complexity of achieving comprehensive food security.Moreover, the article examines strategies implemented by various countries to combat food insecurity, acknowledging both successes and limitations. It underscores the importance of holistic approaches that integrate nutrition, agriculture, and sanitation interventions to effectively address the root causes of hunger. By synthesizing insights from diverse experiences, the research aims to inform policy-making and advocacy efforts aimed at achieving zero hunger globally.

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