International Journal of Progressive Research in Engineering Management and Science
(Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Referred International Journal)

ISSN:2583-1062 or Whatsapp at (+91-9098855509)
Paper Details

Safe and Effective Data Redundancy in Combined Cloud Storage (KEY IJP************194)

  • U. Vara Prasad, T. Lakshman Rao


In this Usersrequired bandwidth may be decreased and data redundancies in cloud storage can be effectively eliminated using data deduplication. However, because to their high computational overhead, low attack resistance, information leakage, and other issues, the majority of earlier methods that relied on a trusted key server (KS) are constrained and susceptible. Specifically, a single-point-of-failure occurs when the trusted KS fails, causing the entire system to malfunction. In this work, we present a Secure and Efficient data Deduplication strategy (called SED) for a Joint Cloud storage system that collaborates with many clouds to deliver worldwide services. SED facilitates the exchange and updating of dynamic data without reliance on the reliable KS. Furthermore, SED has the ability to circumvent the single-point-of-failure that is frequently present in traditional cloud storage systems. As stated by According to theoretical assessments, our SED has significant anti-attack capabilities, including resistance to collusion and brute-force attacks, and guarantees semantic security in the random oracle model. Furthermore, SED may efficiently remove data redundancies with no expense in terms of processing, connection, or storage. SED's effectiveness and features enhance client-side usage. Lastly, the comparison findings demonstrate that our approach performs better than the current techniques.

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