International Journal of Progressive Research in Engineering Management and Science
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LIDAR Micro Drone with Proximity Sensing (KEY IJP************914)
The Lidar Micro Drone is an innovative unmanned aerial vehicle equipped with advanced sensors for proximity sensing and environmental data collection. This drone incorporates a VL53L0X sensor for precise distance measurements, enabling it to navigate and avoid obstacles with exceptional accuracy. Additionally, it integrates a DHT11 sensor to monitor temperature and humidity levels, providing valuable insights into the surrounding conditions. The inclusion of a BMP180 sensor enhances its capabilities by measuring atmospheric pressure, further enriching the data collected during flight. All these sensors are seamlessly connected to a Node MCU for data processing and transmission. The drone communicates its sensor data in real-time to a mobile application developed using Kodular, ensuring that users can access critical information effortlessly. Whether for applications in environmental monitoring, safety, or surveillance, the Lidar Micro Drone offers a versatile and powerful solution for proximity sensing and data collection, bridging the gap between advanced technology and user-friendly mobile interfaces.