International Journal of Progressive Research in Engineering Management and Science
(Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Referred International Journal)

ISSN:2583-1062 or Whatsapp at (+91-9098855509)
Paper Details

Tutorial on Utilisation of Point Poisson Process (PPP) Function in Matlab for Simulation and Generation of Spatial Location Points (KEY IJP************966)

  • Suraju A. Fadare


Simulations of the positions or spatial distributions of electronic communication devices such as base stations (BS), electronic communication equipment, and electronic communication-enabled smart devices could be related to a stochastic process. Erudite scholars are fantastic at reporting their research works using numerous stochastic tools to model or simulate the spatial distributions of devices at various nodes of a communication network. Point-poisson processes (PPP) are of great interest, as observed in most available literature relating to electronic communication networks. In addition, those scholars utilised it to enhance the achievement of their respective objectives and results. However, utilising such a stochastic tool is a hindrance for some researchers to achieve similar objectives and results. Hence, the main aim of this tutorial is to impart knowledge of harnessing PPP in Matlab as a research tool to generate random positions of nodes. The objective of this tutorial is to simplify the usage of PPP in generating random locations and enhance its further applications. This paper discussed its variants (posscdf, poisspdf, and poissrnd) and parameters (lambda and target values) relative to the simulation of the spatial distribution of electronic communication users or nodes. Values obtained from relevant examples were used to develop Matlab functions to generate Poisson random location points for communication users on rectangular and circular planes. The examples were explicit enough to simplify and impart knowledge of the applications of PPP distribution functions in solving Poisson-related problems in modelling and simulations.

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