International Journal of Progressive Research in Engineering Management and Science
(Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Referred International Journal)

ISSN:2583-1062 or Whatsapp at (+91-9098855509)
Paper Details

The Impact of High Commitment HR Systems on Turnover Intention: A Critical Perspective (KEY IJP************093)

  • Surabhi Sharma


Worldwide, employee turnover continues to be a major problem for businesses, resulting in high expenses as well as negative effects on output and performance. As a result, a lot of businesses have used High Commitment Human Resource (HR) Systems as a tactical method of managing their personnel. This study considers the complex nature of employee attitudes and behaviours as it critically investigates the effect of high commitment HR systems on turnover intention. This study presents a comprehensive examination of the correlation between High Commitment HR Systems and turnover intention, based on an amalgamation of extant literature and empirical investigations. It investigates the ways in which different elements of high-commitment HR systemslike performance-based rewards, thorough training, employee involvement, and selective hiringaffect workersintentions to leave their companies.Moreover, this research employs a critical view point to examine the possible disadvantages and inadvertent outcomes of High Commitment HR Systems. It recognises that although these systems can lessen the intention of employees to leave by encouraging organisational commitment, improving job satisfaction, and encouraging employee engagement, they can also lead to tensions and conflicts at work, especially when it comes to issues of control, justice, and perceived organisational support.This research adds to a greater knowledge of the difficulties underlying the relationship between turnover intention and High Commitment HR Systems by critically examining it. It provides guidance to practitioners and policymakers on how to create more successful HR strategies that strike a balance between the advantages of commitment-oriented practices and the requirement to address the root causes of turnover intention in a comprehensive and long-lasting way.

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