International Journal of Progressive Research in Engineering Management and Science
(Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Referred International Journal)

ISSN:2583-1062 or Whatsapp at (+91-9098855509)
Paper Details


  • Shruti Saraswat


Abstract:Several disciplines were impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Government rules and economic pressures caused almost all industry to suffer. The handling and moving of products grew increasingly difficult. The pandemic had a major impact on the FMCG sector, and businesses had to implement a number of methods to survive. Organizations took into consideration a number of trade-offs, such as supply chain reorganization, limited operating hours, and partial closure. Several studies from various industries were examined, and in-depth interviews with industry experts were added as a supplement. The study demonstrated the utilization of creative customer-facing strategies. Businesses attempted implementing lean techniques to assist frazzled logistics workers. The COVID-19 pandemic has altered the course of history and has previously unheard-of effects on organizations. Improving organizational performance has become critical as companies work to adjust to the new normal. The idea of employee involvement, which has become a crucial factor in promoting resilience, creativity, and productivity in the wake of the epidemic, is at the center of this project. The relationship between employee engagement and organizational performance in the post-pandemic era is examined in this research paper. Based on a thorough analysis of existing research and empirical data, the study investigates how the pandemic has affected employee engagement and highlights potential obstacles and advantages for companies looking to improve employee engagement. The report provides actionable insights and best practices for firms navigating this new reality through a thorough investigation of factors influencing engagement, including leadership practices, remote work dynamics, communication strategies, and employee well-being programs. Examples and case studies present actual success stories, emphasizing creative approaches and , With employee well-being programs, the study provides firms navigating this new reality with practical insights and best practices. Examples and case studies present real-world triumphs, emphasizing creative approaches and valuable insights. This study seeks to offer a road map for enterprises to realize the full potential of their workforce and prosper in the post-pandemic period by fusing academic frameworks with real-world applications.

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