International Journal of Progressive Research in Engineering Management and Science
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A Study of Selected MunicipalitiesSolid Waste Management Practices In Selected Districts (KEY IJP************996)
The rapid pace of urbanization and population growth in India has intensified the challenges associated with solid waste management, necessitating a thorough investigation into the practices employed in municipalities. This study aims to address this imperative by focusing on selected municipalities within specific districts and pursuing four primary objectives. Firstly, it systematically examines the various methods currently in use for solid waste management in India, encompassing collection, transportation, disposal, and recycling initiatives. Secondly, the research conducts a comparative analysis of these methods across different cities in the country, considering their effectiveness, efficiency, and sustainability in diverse urban contexts. Thirdly, the study delves into the landscape of Public Private Partnership (PPP) models operational in solid waste management, analyzing collaborative approaches between governmental bodies and private entities. Finally, it compares these PPP models, identifying strengths and weaknesses in different urban settings.