International Journal of Progressive Research in Engineering Management and Science
(Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Referred International Journal)

ISSN:2583-1062 or Whatsapp at (+91-9098855509)
Paper Details

Automatic Floor Cleaning Robot (KEY IJP************280)

  • Rohan Talware,Dipak Thorat,Arti Tupe,Shweta Manmothe,Prof.h.g.ambhore


This paper describes the creation of a floor-cleaning robot that you can control with Bluetooth. The robot uses sensors to navigate and clean, and you can manage it through a mobile app. An Arduino controller is used to steer the robot, avoid obstacles, and change direction. The robot moves with three DC motors, controlled by an L298D Motor Driver Board, and another motor adjusts the cleaner's speed and operates a fan to dry the floor. Bluetoothis used to establish a wireless connection between the robot and the remote control. A 12V rechargeable battery powersthe robot, and an Arduino UNO with an ATmega328P microcontroller is the brain of the system. This study looks intohow Bluetooth communication can be used in robots, highlighting its benefits, challenges, and possible uses for home automation.

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