International Journal of Progressive Research in Engineering Management and Science
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"Digitalization" has become indispensable in our daily lives, with industries rapidly transitioning to this era. However, the pharmaceutical sector has been slow in fully embracing digital marketing beyond basic websites. Despite facing marketing challenges, pharmaceutical companies are increasingly turning to social media and e-commerce for digital marketing, catering to modern consumer preferences. This shift allows customers to conveniently purchase products online. While some businesses are still adapting to the digital landscape, others have integrated it comprehensively into their marketing strategies. Collaborating with celebrities, pharmaceutical companies aim to enhance brand awareness. The widespread use of digital devices has made online marketing indispensable across industries, including pharmaceuticals. Indian e-commerce platforms like and facilitate the online sale of pharmaceutical and healthcare products through digital marketing efforts. 2 An examination of digital marketing's impact on pharmaceutical sales reveals its influence on consumer behavior through direct marketing, discounts, and offers. This study underscores the promising future of digital marketing in the pharmaceutical industry. Globally, businesses are leveraging social media's viral nature, while pharmaceutical digital marketing offers tailored approaches to target audiences, including healthcare professionals and patients. Adhering to strict industry standards is crucial in pharmaceutical marketing plans and advertising campaigns, as businesses harness new technologies to expand their customer base.
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