International Journal of Progressive Research in Engineering Management and Science
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Cement concrete construction in today's developing countries is very common and the use of concrete is increased day by day. In the past few years, many research and modification has been done to produce concrete achieve desired characteristics. There is always a search for concrete with higher durability. However, environmental concerns both in terms of damage caused by the extraction of raw material and carbon dioxide emission during cement manufacturing have brought pressures to reduce cement consumption by the use of supplementary materials. Supplementary materials such as metakaolin, silica fume, quarry dust, fly ash, bottom ash and blast furnace slag can be used as a replacement of cement in mortar and concrete. Another main concern about concrete is its brittleness. Studies have reported that tensile strength and ability to resist cracking are also enhanced with the addition of fibers The effect of using metakaoline and hybrid fiber on the mechanical properties of high strength concrete mixture is present in this thesis. The use of metakaoline and hybrid fiber decreases the use of concrete mix and also increases the strength of concrete pavement Since the cost cement concrete pavement is governed by the cost of material, plant and labor. The high strength concrete mix decrease the use of both material and labor and the pavement in more also used by heavy load for long duration. The high strength concrete pavement required less maintenance and less labor which decrease the maintenance cost of pavement. The hybrid fibers used in the research is combination of steel fiber and polypropylene fibers. The cement is replaced by 0% to 25% of metakaolin. The hybrid fibers used at 1% by fractional volume. The results show that compressive strength increased by 10%. The gain in flexural strength is more as compared to compressive strength. The pavement thickness is also design with experiment result data. But form the economic analysis it is conclude that hybrid fibers at 1% increase the cost of pavement.
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