International Journal of Progressive Research in Engineering Management and Science
(Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Referred International Journal)
ISSN:2583-1062 or Whatsapp at (+91-9098855509) or Whatsapp at (+91-9098855509)

Paper Details
DC to DC Boost Converter with Optimized Speed Control for BLDC Motors (KEY IJP************765)
BLDC motors offer the potential to replace induction motors, yet implementing an efficient, cost-effective, and easily deployable drive system presents a significant challenge. In this study, we propose an enhanced speed control system for BLDC motors utilizing sensors and readily available controllers. This system is adaptable to operate under diverse conditions, rendering it suitable for a broad spectrum of applications and facilitating the transition from induction motors to BLDC motor systems. The system's response has been analyzed for different speed and load conditions using MATLAB simulation tools.
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