International Journal of Progressive Research in Engineering Management and Science
(Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Referred International Journal)

ISSN:2583-1062 or Whatsapp at (+91-9098855509)
Paper Details

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in India, its evolution, impact, challenges, and future prospects (KEY IJP************556)

  • Nuruddin Khan,Sandeep Bala


India's journey with Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been one of steady progress, driven by a unique confluence of factors. A thriving startup ecosystem, particularly in Bangalore and Hyderabad, is churning out innovative AI solutions for sectors like agriculture, education, and healthcare. The government, recognizing AI's potential, launched the National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence in 2018. This strategy promotes responsible AI development (#AIFORALL) and aims to integrate AI across various industries. Major corporations are also jumping on board, using AI to enhance efficiency and customer experiences. E-commerce platforms leverage AI for personalized recommendations, while AI-powered chatbots provide 247 customer support. In agriculture, AI helps predict crop yields and identify diseases, boosting farm productivity. Healthcare is seeing AI applications in diagnostics and drug discovery, offering hope for improved medical care. However, challenges remain. Data privacy is a major concern, as the vast amount of data required for AI training raises questions about security and misuse. Developing a skilled workforce to manage and develop AI is crucial. Ethical concerns around bias in AI algorithms need to be addressed to ensure fair and inclusive use of this technology. Finally, a robust regulatory framework is needed to guide responsible AI development and deployment.

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