International Journal of Progressive Research in Engineering Management and Science
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A Performance Evaluation study of selected stocks in 2024 (KEY IJP************349)
In this Research the performance analysis of selected Stocks are analysed and examined using Different methods and techniques and it is explained by Following data and calculations.This research is helpful for the investors who are investing their money in the stock market as its provide the through analysis of the various stocks whether to invest or not And also it suggests the various stocks whether it is undervalued or overvalued as it is one of the important indicator for the investors who tries to invest in various stocks.The analysis of this various stocks are done for the year 2024 Month wise by collecting the stock prices of 12 months and corelations and beta whoch is one of the important indication in assessing the performance of stock are Analysed using calculations and figures.Key important metrics such as price changes during the period,trends in the market are used which will be helpful for the investors in choosing the right stock based on all the financial metrics and returns estimations.This research offers useful insights to the investors who are beginning to invest in the stock market through these research the investors can easily pick the right stocks and maximize their returns and also they can build a strong portfolio.They can select the right stock in the different sector by seeing the stock price history and its movements year wise and also they can asses the return base on the historical trends and also they can examing whether stock prices are overpriced or underpriced And also beta calculation is done in this research to asses the risk of the stock that investor might face in investing in that particular stock with all these factors it suggests the investor in choosing the right stock and maximize their investment returnsKEYWORDS:Portfloio,performance Evaluation, Investment,Stock market indices
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