International Journal of Progressive Research in Engineering Management and Science
(Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Referred International Journal)

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Car Market (KEY IJP************957)

  • Murali V,Dr. D. Swamydoss


When purchasing or selling an automobile, one must take into account societal preferences, governmental regulations, and the state of the economy. Cars with unique features like connectivity, safety features, and fuel efficiency are preferred by consumers. They may spend more on luxury cars during prosperous economic times, but they search for less expensive alternatives during lean times. Researching and purchasing cars online is now simpler thanks to technology. Governments also have an impact on the design and sales of cars through regulations pertaining to safety and emissions. Understanding financing, haggling over costs, and ensuring that autos are in good condition are among the difficulties. Regulations and charging stations are two new elements that come into play as electric and self-driving automobiles gain popularity. In general, the process of purchasing and selling cars is continuously evolving, influenced by what individuals.

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