International Journal of Progressive Research in Engineering Management and Science
(Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Referred International Journal)

ISSN:2583-1062 or Whatsapp at (+91-9098855509)
Paper Details

A Study on performance of the Mutual Funds at Nj wealth, Vijayawada (KEY IJP************888)

  • Mukesh Methukumilli


This study evaluates the performance of mutual funds managed by NJ Wealth in Vijayawada, focusing on both equity and debt schemes. By analyzing key metrics such as returns, alpha, beta, Sharpe ratio, and standard deviation, the research assesses the funds risk-adjusted performance relative to benchmarks. The findings reveal varying performance levels, with some funds consistently outperforming benchmarks and others underperforming. These insights aid investors in making informed decisions and help fund managers improve their strategies. The study concludes with investor and recommendations and suggesgtions for future research.

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