International Journal of Progressive Research in Engineering Management and Science
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An IoT based Smart Health Monitoring System (SHM-IOT) (KEY IJP************438)
In recent years, the world is facing a common problem that the number of elderly people is increasing. Hence, the problem of home-care for elderly people is very important. In concern of that ,Our project is implemented as a working model in which we incorporate sensors to measure parameters like body temperature, heart beat rate and body movement of a patient using IoT architecture. An Arduino microcontroller board used here for analysing the inputs from the patient. The hardware device will continuously send the data from sensors to the cloud and stored for future analysis. The patient data will be monitored remotely via a web application portal which is deployed in cloud for high availability. If any critical situation arises in a patient, it will alert us by graphs. In this, IoT is becoming a major platform for many services & applications, also using Node MCU not just as a sensor node but also a controller here. Paper proposes a generic health monitoring system as a step forward to the progress made in this department till now.