International Journal of Progressive Research in Engineering Management and Science
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Transportation is the means to carry people and goods from one place to another place. It is very important in every stage of human civilization. The most widely used modes of transportation are roads and rails in India. So there is a need of development of these modes. Out of these modes, road transportation provides maximum flexibility to the passengers and it serves door to door connection. A proper network of roadways will help in development of economic, social, political and cultural fields of the country as a whole. Based on function, the roads are classified as National Highways (NH), State Highways (SH). Major District Roads (MDR), Other District Roads (ODR) and Village Roads (VR). Pavements are classified as Flexible and Rigid pavements depending upon their structural behaviour. The roads are generally constructed in different layers. The various layers of a flexible pavement are subgrade, sub base, base and surface course, whereas the rigid pavement consists of subgrade, base course and cement concrete slab.The soil subgrade is prepared from natural soil to support the layers of pavement materials laid over it. The various loads on the pavement are ultimately received by the soil subgrade and then dispersed to the earth mass. The soil subgrade provides support and stability to the pavement and also helps in good drainage for rain water percolating through pavement. So it is desirable to well compact the top 50 cm layer of subgrade soil under controlled conditions of maximum dry density and optimum moisture content. The defects such as ruts, corrugations and cracks are caused mainly due to poor subgrade construction. So the subgrade should be constructed with good quality soil to avoid above mentioned problems.
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