International Journal of Progressive Research in Engineering Management and Science
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Optimizing Electric Vehicle Battery Management Systems for Enhanced Performance and Efficiency in the Automotive Sector (KEY IJP************953)
Automotive means of transportation has become the major and cheapest means of transportation in Nigeria. This fact has put more pressure on manufacturers to provide customers with high quality Automobiles with the aim of making profits. Nowadays, manufacturers are faced with a major problem in the management of information within a manufacturing plant and creation of effective relationship with customers. As an approachto solving these problems, a detailed analysis is carried out on the existing system to find out the strength and weaknesses of the existing system. And based on the requirements generated, the new system is designed. An Object Oriented design approach is used to describe the various units (modules) that make up the system in terms of classes and objects. The design and development of an Automotive Plant Management system for a manufacturing company is a project developed with PHP, MySQL, Ajax, HTML, JavaScript and Jquery Plugins, it provided better and more efficient management of information generated from Human Resource, Inventory, Company Finance and also Customer Relationship ManagementIn recent years, the surge in the adoption of electric vehicles has played a vital role in reducing fossil fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. However, limited cross-national research has been conducted on the determinants of electric vehicle adoption in developing and developed countries. This study examines the factors influencing the intention to adopt electric vehicles in India (378 participants) and Spain (265 participants). This study develops an integrated model that combines the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT2) and the value-belief-norm (VBN) model while accounting for the impact of national culture. The model is tested using structural equation modeling. The results indicate the integrated UTAUT2-VBN model is a valuable tool for explaining the differences in adoption intention across cultures. Moreover, the national cultural system plays a significant moderating role in most relationships within the model. This study offers valuable insights into the factors influencing electric vehicle adoption in different cultural contexts, which can inform policies and strategies to promote sustainable transportation.