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Anomaly Detection in Crime Data Bases Using CPS (KEY IJP************951)
AbstractThis abstract introduces a novel approach todeducing underage drivers through the integration of CyberPhysical Systems (CPS) and Convolutional Neural Networks(CNNs). The initiative addresses the critical issue ofunauthorized individuals operating vehicles below the legaldriving age, posing significant risks to road safety. enabling realtime data collection and analysis. CNNs, renowned for theirprowess in image processing, provide the means for precise ageestimation through facial recognition. The combined use of thesetechnologies establishes a comprehensive framework foranomaly detection, promising a proactive solution to identifyunderage drivers and enforce legal regulations effectivelyKeywordsCPS, CNN, safety, framework, anomalydetection, Underage driver detection , cyber physical system,
DOI LINK : 10.58257/IJPREMS33118