International Journal of Progressive Research in Engineering Management and Science
(Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Referred International Journal)

ISSN:2583-1062 or Whatsapp at (+91-9098855509)
Paper Details

EVCS-Chargepoint: Streamlining EV charging discovery, booking and payment (KEY IJP************157)

  • Md. Arshan Shaikh,Dakshata Thakare,Rohit Udamale,Sagar Yeshwantrao


Over the past century, vehicles primarilyreliant on fuels such as petrol and diesel have beenextensively used. This heavy reliance on these fuels hasresulted in a significant decrease in their availability andhas contributed to pollution. However, withadvancements in the automobile industry, ElectricVehicles (EVs) have been introduced. EVs do not rely onnatural fuels like crude oil; instead, they use electricityas their power source, making a substantial contributionto reducing pollution. One of the greatest advantages ofEVs is that they can be charged at home. Nevertheless,there is an issue with charging infrastructure, especiallywhen owners are outside their neighborhoods andrequire immediate charging solutions. The 'EVCS-Chargepoint' application has been developed to addressthis issue. It assists users in locating the nearest chargingstation, booking a charging slot, and making paymentfor the services. This application is versatile and can beused by owners of all types of vehicles, ranging frommotorcycles and light motor vehicles (LMVs) to heavymotor vehicles (HMVs). A significant advantage of thisproject is that it offers additional services like batteryswapping and battery delivery. In situations where thereis a rush at the charging station, vehicle owners can optfor battery swapping, which quickly provides them withthe required charge. Additionally, if a vehicle's battery iscompletely depleted, the owner can utilize the urgentbattery delivery service. It's important to note that theavailability of these facilities may depend on theindividual charging station's offerings. This projectinvolves two main stakeholders: the customervehicleowner and the charging station owner.

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