International Journal of Progressive Research in Engineering Management and Science
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Evaluation of OFDMAs performance across different channel (KEY IJP************679)
The fastest-growing sector of the communication industry is wireless communications. Mobile communication is the most popular type of wireless communication. However, there are a lot of technological obstacles to be solved. A wireless channel's signal may experience propagation path loss, interference, fading, and shadowing, among other issues. The high caliber service always results in a higher demand for capacity. By transforming the wideband signal into narrow band signals for transmission, orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM), a well-defined method, is an appropriate choice for high band width data transmission in this scenario. These distinct narrow band signals are sent using orthogonal carriers. MATLAB 19.1 has been used to simulate orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM). Simulink toolbox is used for simulation in MATLAB program. Bit Error Rate against Signal to Noise Ratio is used to assess transmission mode performance under two commonly used channel modes: Additive White Gaussian Noise and Rician Fading channel. We have displayed a graphical analysis of several OFDM quality of service metrics over AWGN, Rician fading channels in order to conduct further investigation. This paper's conclusion provides implementation details for OFDM across AWGN and Rician fading channels. Additionally, two distinct AWGN, Rician fading channelsQOS parameters were compared quantitatively and graphically.