International Journal of Progressive Research in Engineering Management and Science
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A Study On Employ Retention In Mn Auto Products Private Limited, Coimbatore (KEY IJP************533)
Hiring knowledge people for the job is essential for an employer. But retention is even more important than hiring. The employees are the valuable assets to the organization so it is the responsibility of an organization to develop the strategies in order to retain the employees. The researcher study conducted is descriptive in nature. Both primary and secondary data collected to meet the require for the collective data a stipulated questionnaires method is used as an instrument the questionnaires consists of multi choice, five scale and ranking questions and convenience sampling using the study and the sample size is 150. Percentage analysis, Weighted average method, Chi-square test, Correlation analysis, Regression analysis and ANOVA analysis was used for research purpose. The findings shows that most of the Employees need some changes in the working environment.