International Journal of Progressive Research in Engineering Management and Science
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A study on performance appraisal system in axis bank (KEY IJP************356)
This study delves into the performance appraisal system at Axis Bank, one of India's leadingprivate sector banks, to examine its effectiveness, efficiency, and impact on both employeeperformance and organizational outcomes. With a comprehensive review of the bank's appraisalmechanisms, the research aims to understand how these processes contribute to motivatingemployees, identifying training needs, and promoting organizational growth and development.The methodology encompasses a mixed approach, including qualitative interviews with bankemployees and managers, and a quantitative analysis of employee performance data, to provide aholistic view of the appraisal system's functionality. The study also considers the bank's strategicobjectives, its organizational culture, and the broader banking industry's competitiveenvironment to contextualize the performance appraisal practices. Preliminary findings suggestthat Axis Bank's performance appraisal system is robust, with a strong emphasis on continuousfeedback, goal alignment, and employee development. However, challenges related toconsistency in the implementation of appraisals, subjective biases in evaluations, and the needfor enhanced training for appraisers have been identified. The study is not without limitations,notably restricted access to confidential performance data, potential biases in employee self-reporting during interviews, and the inability to conduct a longitudinal analysis to observechanges over time. Despite these constraints, this research offers valuable insights into theperformance appraisal practices at Axis Bank, contributing to the broader discourse on humanresource management in the banking sector and laying the groundwork for future studies to buildupon.
DOI LINK : 10.58257/IJPREMS33102