International Journal of Progressive Research in Engineering Management and Science
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Design of Drainage System for Kapurwadi System (KEY IJP************771)
The two basic essential amenities for a healthy living are safe water supply and hygienic sanitation facilities. The provision of safe drinking water preceded when talking about providing basic amenities to community. Although, the importance of hygienic sanitation facilities that are effective and low-cost on-site sanitation, cannot be allowed to lag behind. This can be done through practicing and following the conventional sewerage and sewage treatment techniques. A proper knowledge about designing sewerage system is important for high percentage of domestic water coming from village. If this huge quantity of water, that is already polluted and hazardous for human and animal health, is let into open streams without any prior treatment can cause heavy damages to human heath as well as to environment. Hence a proper network for carrying this sewage from its source to a Sewer Treatment Plant where it can treated and then disposed off safely, without harming the environment is very important to be designed. To achieve above objective, the study involving designing of a sewerage network for the Kapurwadi village.
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