International Journal of Progressive Research in Engineering Management and Science
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A Study On Quality Of Worklife Among Employees Towards Salem District Cooperative Milk Producers Union Ltd With Reference To Salem (KEY IJP************385)
The concept of quality of work life and the role it plays in enhancing the productivity and performance in organization. The aim of the study is the concept of Quality of Work Life and the role it plays in enhancing the productivity and performance in organization. It also aims at understanding a wide range of welfare activities to be undertaken in order to improve quality of work life. The success of any organization is highly dependent on how it attracts and motivates and retains its work force. Organization is required to adopt a strategy to improve the employees Quality of Work Life to satisfy organizational objectives and employee needs. The Chi-square test of association was used in testing the hypothesis of the study. Qualitative research design was employed using structured interviews as well as administering research questionnaire to all category of employees. The findings highlighted concerns on employee rewards, timely recognition and Appreciation, work stress, motivational factors, and employee personal development.