International Journal of Progressive Research in Engineering Management and Science
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Research Methods in Information Technology: Future Research Perspectives (KEY IJP************119)
Information Technology (IT) is a multi-disciplinary field with diverse research options. This has left many researchers confused, not knowing the exact research methods that can be applied. IT emanated from a much rigid computing field which has rigid research methods that follows specific predefined processes and it intertwin with the sociology field with much flexible and relaxed research methodology. With the diverse nature of this field with other science fields both in the social and natural science, it is therefore important to review the current research methodologies that are applicable to it and how they can be used to extend knowledge in the same field.The essence of this research is to highlight current research dimensions and deep dive into different research methodologies that are applicable in the field of IT. The paper further analyses both qualitative, quantitative, and mixed research methods as applicable in this field. The paper also discusses the most common research methods in IT and how they have been applied in researching in this field. Ethnography, case studies, surveys, experimental and literature reviews are some of the research methods that have been reviewed by this paper. Broad cases where each of these methods are applicable are also discussed. Findings from this research shows that both qualitative and quantitative research methods are applicable in this field with each specific research method being considered on case-to-case basis. Mixed research methods are also applicable in this field.
DOI LINK : 10.58257/IJPREMS33100