International Journal of Progressive Research in Engineering Management and Science
(Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Referred International Journal)

ISSN:2583-1062 or Whatsapp at (+91-9098855509)
Paper Details


  • Faith Joyce B. Purol


Abstract This phenomenological study unveiled the perspectives of teachers on kindergarten assessment practices in Banaybanay District, Division of Davao Oriental Furthermore, this study aimed to uncover their coping mechanisms and insights that can be shared to others. Qualitative phenomenological study was employed in exploring the views of the 10 kindergarten teachers of which primary instrument of data gathering was through in-depth interview. Major findings revealed three major themes on teachersperspectives: diverse assessment approaches, integration of assessment into instruction, and collaborative assessment practices. These three themes collectively offered a panoramic view of kindergarten assessment practices from the vantage point of teachers. Likewise, the challenges faced by teachers in kindergarten assessment practices necessitate the development of coping mechanisms to navigate these complexities effectively. From adaptive pedagogical strategies and collaborative professional development to holistic support systems, teachers demonstrate resilience and innovation in navigating the intricate landscape of assessing young learners effectively. Finally, these three themes collectively offered a rich tapestry of insights from teachers on kindergarten assessment practices. From individualized learning paths and holistic development assessment to collaborative assessment practices, educators contribute valuable perspectives that shape a more nuanced and effective approach to assessing the early leaming experiences of children in kindergarten. The exploration of kindergarten assessment practices through the perspectives of teachers carries significant implications for educational research, policy, and practice. By delving into the nuanced experiences and insights of teachers, this research has the potential to inform the development of more effective and responsive assessment strategies in kindergarten settings. Keywords: Kindergarten assessment practices, perspectives of teachers, phenomenology

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