International Journal of Progressive Research in Engineering Management and Science
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Sustainability Meets Technology: A Data-Driven Approach to Personalized Tree-Planting Strategies in India (KEY IJP************043)
Deforestation, urbanisation and climatechange are major environmental issues for India, and the country needs new, scalable tree-planting initiatives. In this researchstudy, we explore a data-driven approach to develop customised tree-planting plans via environmental analytics, geographic information systems (GIS), and artificial intelligence (AI) techniques. Taking climate, soil health, water availability and regional biodiversity into consideration, the research looks at howthe tech giants could optimize their afforestation efforts. By combining machine learning algorithms, predictive modelling, and public engagementthrough smartphone apps, this method ensures planting that is both efficient and sustainable over time. The studyfurther notes the monetary and social impacts of community-based tree-planting programs, examining their potential for carbon sequestration and other co-benefits spanning the long term. The results help shed light on how data-driven approaches may improve the effectiveness of tree planting, which in turn helps India achieve its environmental sustainability targets.
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