International Journal of Progressive Research in Engineering Management and Science
(Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Referred International Journal)

ISSN:2583-1062 or Whatsapp at (+91-9098855509)
Paper Details


  • Dr.a.vellaichamy


Information has become so important for decision making in todays world. In the present world Air, Water, Food, Shelter is the four basic needs of human beings and now information is added as the fifth need. The technology world depends upon the information for social, economic, scientific, technological and industrial development. The problem of information used to be scarcity of information but in the present century it has become abundance of information. Information literacy is the surest way of helping solve the problem of choosing the right information from the abundance of information from various media. Information literacy can play a vital role in educating the users of libraries on various information and documentary resources, where to start searching for information, what, where and how to access them and compare retrieved information and how to communicate their information. Information literacy is importance particularly in this age because it allows us to cope by giving us the skills to know when we need information and where to locate it effectively and efficiently. In this paper describes development of the concept of IL, Need for IL, Model of IL, Medium and Standards of Information Literacy, also explained information literacy programme in developing countries and Indian scenario.

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