International Journal of Progressive Research in Engineering Management and Science
(Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Referred International Journal)

ISSN:2583-1062 or Whatsapp at (+91-9098855509)
Paper Details

The Role of Monastic Schools in Disseminating Theravada Buddhism in Contemporary Myanmar (KEY IJP************818)

  • Dr. Yeshpal


This article explores the instrumental role of monastic schools in disseminating Theravada Buddhism in contemporary Myanmar. With a historical legacy dating back to the 11th century, these schools represent a symbiosis of religious instruction and secular education. The curriculum incorporates a blend of traditional Buddhist teachings and the national academic curriculum, providing holistic education to students. The teaching methodology emphasizes interactive learning, meditation, mindfulness, community involvement, and respect for elders, fostering an environment conducive to both academic and personal growth. Student engagement in these schools extends beyond academic learning, encompassing religious practices, community service, and cultural activities. The article also highlights the impact of technology on the transmission of Theravada Buddhism, elucidating its role in expanding the reach of teachings, fostering online Buddhist communities, and preserving ancient scriptures. Despite the limitations imposed by socio-economic disparities and the digital divide, technology represents a promising tool for enhancing the dissemination of Theravada Buddhism. As such, monastic schools in Myanmar continue to play a critical role in preserving the nation's spiritual and cultural heritage while contributing significantly to the educational landscape.Key Words: Monastic Schools, Theravada Buddhism, Myanmar, Teaching Methodology, Curriculum, Student Engagement

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