International Journal of Progressive Research in Engineering Management and Science
(Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Referred International Journal)

ISSN:2583-1062 or Whatsapp at (+91-9098855509)
Paper Details

Examining the Impact of Institutional Climate on Student Academic Achievement (KEY IJP************773)

  • Dr. G. Showrilu


AbstractSchools are the symbols of progress and centers of the past and present values where human beings are equipped with academic competence, technical skills and where they develop a number of qualities to lead their lives. The indicator of the human resource development in any country is the primarily educational institution. The architects in this institution are the teachers. The intellectual or the institutional climate of an institution refers to the academic atmosphere or the learning climate in particular. It is that environment in which intellectual creative and productive powers of the individuals blossoms. The intellectual climate motivates the students to learn to work and to make all kinds of concentrated efforts. It posses the potentiality of stimulating the students to develop their power of perception, power of problem solving, analysis, synthesis, conceptual thinking and critical evaluation. It is institutional climate, which inspires the students for independent study and encourages originality and creativity. The institutional environment embodies in it the interaction of pupils with the teachers, teachers with the heads of the institution and a precision of all those facilities or situation, which produce better learning. Thus institutional climate occupies a prominent role in promoting a proper academic achievement.

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