International Journal of Progressive Research in Engineering Management and Science
(Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Referred International Journal)

ISSN:2583-1062 or Whatsapp at (+91-9098855509)
Paper Details

Educational Excellence: The Significance of Pre-Service Teacher Training Programme (KEY IJP************159)

  • Debalina Das,S.p.yadav


AbstractBackground: Pre-service Teacher education programmes are the programmes for professional preparation of teachers. It is an induction and initiation process with open ended design fostering initiative for further growth and equipping the trainee with the needed skills of self-directed learning through projects, individually tailored assignments, practical works and practice teaching etc.Objectives: The present investigation highlighted on the significance of Pre-service Teacher Education Programe for the excellence in school educationMethodology: The study is qualitative type. The researcher selected various articles and documents related to pre-service teacher education programme at school level. It is concerned with capturing the richness, complexity, and contextual details of the subject matter under investigation.Conclusion: The pre-service teacher education programe emphasize the importance of inclusivity, cultural competence, and differentiated instruction. By incorporating these aspects, future teachers learn how to create inclusive learning environments and effectively meet the diverse needs of their students. Overall, the need for pre-service teacher education programs is evident in their ability to equip future teachers with the necessary knowledge, skills, and attitudes to become effective educators. Keywords: Pre-service, Teacher Education Programme, School Education, Pedagogical Knowledge and skills.

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