International Journal of Progressive Research in Engineering Management and Science
(Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Referred International Journal)

ISSN:2583-1062 or Whatsapp at (+91-9098855509)
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A Quality of Work-Life in South Central Railway Womens Welfare Organization (KEY IJP************360)

  • Athota Joysmith


Abstract:This project aims to investigate and improve the quality of work-life among employees, recognizing its profound impact on productivity, job satisfaction, and overall well-being. By conducting a comprehensive analysis of work environment, work-life balance, and organizational support, we will identify areas for improvement and implement strategic initiatives to promote employee well-being, foster a supportive work culture, and enhance overall quality of work-life. The project's outcomes will contribute to the development of a sustainable and supportive work environment, leading to improved employee satisfaction, reduced turnover rates, and increased organizational performance.INTRODUCTIONINTRODUCTIONTO HUMAN RESOURCE:The term Human Resources is quite popular in India with the institution of Ministry of Human Resources Development in the Union Cabinet. But most people may not know what exactly the term human resource means.According to Leon C. Meg gin son, the term human resource can be thought of as the total knowledge, skills, creative abilities, talents and aptitudes of an organization's workforce, as well as the value, attitudes and beliefs of the individuals involved. The term human resource can also be explained in the sense that it is resource like any natural resource. It does mean that the management can get and use the skill, knowledge, ability etc.., through the development of skills, tapping and utilizing them again and again. Thus, it is a long term prospective whereas personnel are a short term prospective. Human resources are also regarded as human factor, human asset, human capital and the like. The terms labor and manpower had been used widely denoting mostly the physical abilities and capacities of employees. The term personnel had been used widely in the recent past to denote persons employed in any services. Thus, this term denotes the employee as a whole but it does not clearly denote various components of human resources like skill, knowledge, values etc.NATURE AND SCOPE OF HUMAN RESOURCE:People in any organization manifest themselves, not only through Individual sections but also through group interactions. When individuals come to work place, they come with not only technical skills, knowledge, but also with their feelings, perception, desires, motives, attitude, values. Therefore, employee management in an organization does mean Management of not only technical skills but also other factors of the human resources.DEFINITION OF HRM:Human Resource Management (HRM) can be defined as managing the functions of employees, developing and compensating human resources resulting in the creation and development of human resource with a view to contribute properly to the organizational, individual and social goals.MEANING OF HRM:Different terms are used to denote human resource management. They are: Labor management, labor administration, labor management relations, Employer relations, industrial relations, personnel administration, personnel Management, human capital management, human asset management, human resources management and the like. Though these terms can be differentiated widely, the basic nature of distinction lies in the scope or coverage and evolutionary stage. In simple sense, human resources management means employing people, developing their resources, utilizing, maintaining and compensating their services in tune with the job and organizational requirements. SCOPE OF HRM:The scope of HRM is indeed vast. Specifically, the activities included are HR planning, job analysis and design, recruitment and selection, orientation and placement, training and development, performance appraisal and job evaluation, employee and executive remuneration, motivation and communication, welfare, safety and health, industrial relations and the like.Human Resources take active role in the modern economic scenario of any Country. The abundant physical resources alone cannot benefit the growth of the Country without human resource component, which transforms physical resources into productive resources. In fact, the differences in the levels of economic Development of the country are largely a reflection of the differences in quality of their human resources. The key element in this proposition is that the values, attitudes, general orientation and quality of people of a county that determines its economic development.In the management of 5Ms, men, machine, material, and methods the men is Only fundamental but also dynamic and challenging management of human Resources included guiding human resources into a dynamic organization that attain its objectives with a high degree of morale and to the satisfaction of those concerned with it. The concept of human resources development assumes immense importance as it plays vital role in meetings the challenging Requirements of highly skilled and competent human resources due to globalization. The maintenance of industrial peace plays vital role as Indian economy cannot afford industrial unrest in the context of global competition.NEED FOR THE STUDY:The research covers a major organization. This organization is well known for the best performance throughout the nation. Therefore, to lend a comprehensive study to this research work at South Central Railway (Vijayawada), I was chosen. The Quality of Work Life of employees at South Central Railway is examined.SCOPE OF THE STUDY:Gathering information and theoretical knowledge is a part of study.It become complete when added with practical knowledge as the noted truth comes to sight.Hence one becomes more efficient and effective when a flavor of practical outlook is added to the bossy mind.As the study has got wide relevance is formulating valid information about the organization, it helps in getting a critical look in to the personnel practices of the organization.As there is saying, practices makes a man perfect and the knowledge. This does not deal with the practical application, is said to be unscientific and unsystematic.More over the branch of management, which deals with the most critical and important factor of production, requires not only theoretic background but also some practical experiences to have some knowledge on day-to-day problem solving.OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY:To study the quality of work life among the employees of South Central Railway (Vijayawada).To find out whether the employees are satisfied with the salary provided by the organization.To know whether the employees are satisfied with the working conditions.To find out whether employee suggestions are considered at the time of decision making.To know whether the employees are facing stress at the work place.To analyze the union activities at South Central Railway (Vijayawada)

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