International Journal of Progressive Research in Engineering Management and Science
(Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Referred International Journal)

ISSN:2583-1062 or Whatsapp at (+91-9098855509)
Paper Details

An Integrative Review of Human Resource Management Practices and Their Impact on Employee Productivity in the Hotel Industry (KEY IJP************567)

  • Ann Varghese,Dr Sonia Noronha


Abstract:This paper provides a comprehensive review of existing literature on Human Resource Management Practices (HRMPs) and their influence on Employee Productivity (EP) within the hotel industry. The review delves into the various definitions and measurement approaches for EP, acknowledging the complexity and multifaceted nature of productivity in the hospitality context.Key HRMPs such as recruitment and selection, training and development, performance appraisal, and compensation are meticulously evaluated. The paper explores how these practices impact employee efficiency, motivation, job satisfaction, and ultimately, overall productivity. By examining the interplay between HRMPs and EP, the review underscores the importance of strategically designed HR practices in enhancing workforce performance and service quality.Furthermore, the paper proposes a conceptual model for measuring and managing EP in hotels, emphasizing the use of non-financial metrics. This model aims to provide a more holistic and nuanced understanding of productivity, going beyond traditional financial indicators to include aspects like employee engagement, customer satisfaction, and service delivery quality.Key Words:Human Resource Management Practices (HRMPs) - Employee Productivity (EP) - Hotel Industry - Recruitment and Selection - Training and Development - Performance Appraisal - Compensation - Non-Financial Metrics - Employee Engagement - Customer Satisfaction - Service Quality - Conceptual Model - Literature Review - Hospitality Sector-Karantaka-India

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