International Journal of Progressive Research in Engineering Management and Science
(Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Referred International Journal)

ISSN:2583-1062 or Whatsapp at (+91-9098855509)
Paper Details

Experimental Study of Different Admixtures on the Workability and Compressive Strength of Concrete : Review (KEY IJP************425)

  • Amit Hinge,Rahul Sharma


Concrete is any product or mass made by the use of cementing medium. Generally, this medium is formed by the reaction of cement and water. Concrete is made with several types of cement and also containing pozzolana, fly ash, blast furnace slag, etc. The major components of concrete are a mixture of cement, water, aggregate (fine and coarse) and sometimes admixtures. The interrelation between the constituent of this mixture: Firstly, one can view the cementing medium as the essential building material, with the aggregate fulfilling the role of cheap, Or cheaper diluting. Secondly, one can view the coarse aggregate as assort of mini- masonry which is joined together by mortar i.e., by a mixture of hydrated cement and fine aggregate. Thirdly, is to recognize that, concrete consist of two phases hydrated cement paste and aggregate, and, as a result, the properties of concrete are controlled by the properties of the two phases and also by the presence of bond between them. In its hardened state concrete is a rock like materials with a high compressive strength, by virtue of the ease with which fresh concrete in its plastic state may remolded into virtually any shape it may be used advantages architecturally or solely decorated purposes. Concrete is composed mainly of three materials, namely Cement, water, and aggregate and an additional material, known as admixture, is sometimes added to enhance certain of its properties.

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